Hello, neighbors! I'm Bethany, and I live in Urbana with my husband, toddler and two dogs. I'm a relatively new Urbana resident compared to Carey, our Green Team Urbana co-founder, so I've been very lucky to have her guidance, creativity and contacts as I've navigated joining the Villages of Urbana Board and eventually founding Green Team Urbana with Carey and other Urbana area residents. You can learn more about all of us here.
We have big dreams and some exciting projects in the works, but we can't do it all without the help and enthusiasm of our neighbors. That is to say: THANK YOU for being here!!
In the interest of providing actionable planting advice, as well as reframing our ideas of what beautiful gardens and landscaping "should" look like, each month I'll be sharing a garden or container I love along with a "Get the Look" with (mostly) Maryland native plants and a simple garden plan. I hope you'll find these garden plans helpful and inspiring as you look at your own yards, front steps, balconies and decks. Our first Get the Look, above, would make a great small, sunny, slightly sloped front yard! (Click the image to enlarge.)
If there's a garden you love and would like to recreate, feel free to email a photo or link to GreenTeamUrbana@gmail.com.
Remember that gardening is trial and error and that a plant failing to survive or thrive does not mean you have a "black thumb." Experiment and have fun with it, and you'll quickly figure out what works for your specific yard or pot!
A few general basics: Fall is the best time to plant, followed by early spring. Water native plants well until they're established (they've grown a bit and look perky) and then water only during very hot, dry weather. Check eventual growth heights, and try to plant your tallest flowers in the back of your garden bed or pot and your shortest flowers in the front. Perennials "die" each year and come back each spring, but annuals, which bloom for one year only, can offer quick color while you're waiting for perennials to establish in your yard.
Join our Facebook group or check our Resources page for local native plant sales and sites that sell and ship native plants to your door.
"If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” - The Secret Garden
Happy planting!